At Perkinsville
Weekly gatherings where the real ministry of and to the Church Body happens.​
Community groups are a weekly opportunity for church members to dive into the Word together, get to know one another, and pray for each other. The mission of this time is to grow together in gospel-shaped communities by being part of each other's weekly rhythm.
We have midweek groups and Sunday morning groups.

Matt Depp and Andy Berke
Sundays at 9:45 am
Our group meets on Sunday morning between services at 9:45 am. As our group has grown and shifted over the past few years, one thing we have really come to appreciate is the multi-generational makeup of our group. We welcome anyone... even kids. Every week, we check in on one another and then open the Word and go over questions based on the sermon passage. Feel free to drop in any Sunday in Room 206 or, if you have any questions or are interested in joining us, please reach out at matt@perkinsville.org.

Daniel Robinson and David Ott
Sundays at 9:45 am
We are a new group launching this Fall! We are so excited to grow in the Word together and form meaningful community. We will be meeting every week in between morning services at 9:45. One thing that is important to us is that our group is multigenerational so we are able to learn and uplift each other from all walks of life. Our prayer is that we would be able to sharpen one another as believers and love one another all while having a good time.
If you are interested in joining us come to room 207 or let us know by contacting Daniel (970-305-2459 or drob316@gmail.com).

JC Garcia
Mondays at 6:30 pm
We are a group of young adults and young professionals that come together every Monday night at 6:30pm at Perkinsville. We study the Word and grow in our love for Jesus and each other as we pursue after Him not just on Monday nights, but in our activities throughout the week. We stay connected and active doing hikes, game nights, and just hanging out! If you’re interested in joining or have questions, please text me (JC Garcia) at (305) 904-6066

TS Noble
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
We meet Tuesdays 6:30-8pm at the Nobles' house in Hampton Farms. Our group ranges from college-aged to retirees and loves to grow together, ask questions that make you think, ask questions that make you laugh, and overall live out our calling as believers. We would love for you to come check us out on Tuesdays. It’ll make you smile, or we’ll give you your deposit back!
Let the community group know you are interested in coming by contacting TS at 774-267-9344‬.

Micah Turner
Sundays at 9:45 am
We are a welcoming multigenerational group that trusts in Christ and strives to follow Him daily. Each week we spend time in study, fellowship, and prayer. Expect to learn through challenging discussion of Scripture and relevant topics in our faith that encourage exploration of biblical truth together. We meet in the fellowship hall on Sundays at 9:45 AM, between the 8:30 am and 11:15 am services.
If you are interested in joining us please drop in on a Sunday morning or reach out to Micah at redleg4christ@gmail.com for more information.

Josh Rieder
Sundays at 9:45 am
Our group ranges from Gen Z to Gen X, single and married, with and without children. We meet on Sunday mornings between services at 9:45 in Room 201 as we engage in conversation about life and Scripture with laughter and fellowship. If you like to eat, we meet often outside of Sundays for food and friendship. Please reach out to Josh at 919-397-3709.

Phil Ginn
Sundays at 9:45 am
We are primarily made up of the older generation. Each week we study the Bible together by going verse by verse through the book we are in. When we are together, we share in our struggles and our joys. If you would like to join us you can find us in room 103 on Sunday mornings after the first service. If you have any questions or want to let us know you are coming, contact me, Phil, at 828-265-9807.

Ed Evans
Sundays at 9:45 am
Our group meets on Sunday mornings between services at 9:45. We are a smaller group with a variety of ages. We talk about what is happening in our lives, discuss the pastor’s sermon, and share prayer requests. Our fellowship is sweet and we welcome others to share that with us. For questions or additional information, contact Ed Evans at heejr1@gmail.com or 828 773 2468.