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Walking out your faith daily.
Love what Jesus loves. Do what Jesus Does.
In result of loving and doing what Jesus does, our lives should reflect these rhythms: prayer, worship, evangelism, discipleship, multiplication, and intentional relationships. Below are sources to help you understand what it means to live these things out, encourage you, or further your education.
What do I do with my children?4 and Under: We have a nursery with background checked volunteers to help take care of your littles so you can enjoy either service or morning community groups. Up to 5th Grade: During the 11:15pm and 6:00pm services before the sermon starts, we have kids leave to go to their own Kingdom Kids lesson. They will return before we start worship again.
When should I arrive?For any service, come about 10 minutes before the start time! This allows you time to find a parking spot, get a seat, grab a cup of coffee, and maybe meet someone new.
Does it matter what I wear?We are a pretty casual church but we welcome all! You can wear your Sunday best -- whatever that means to you -- or work casual. Most people you see will be in jeans and a work casual shirt. Make sure you look out for the guy who is in sandals and shorts year round.
Apologetics- The Reason For God by Tim Keller - Defending Your Faith by R.C Sproul
Baptism- 9Marks What is Baptism - Baptism Sermon from BFM
Singleness and Marriage- This Momentary Marriage by John Piper - Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating has Changed by Kevin McConaghy and Jonathan Pokluda
Theology- Knowing God by J.I. Packer - Desiring God by John Piper - The Thrill of Orthodoxy by Trevin Wax
Generosity and Stewardship- Redeeming Money by Paul Tripp - The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn - Act of Grace by James Petty
Gifts and Serving- Younique - The Church by Mark Dever
Bible- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
Parenting- What Do I Say When?: Parenting Guide to Navigating Conversations with Children and Teens - The Biggest Story (an animated thematic narrative of the Bible for children)
The Church- Love Your Church by Tom Rainer
Gospel and Mission- When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert - Bruchko by Bruce Olson - Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper - Gospel Fluency by
Spiritual Disciplines- Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered by Jamie C. Wilhoit - Old Paths New Power
Intentional Relationships- Small-Batch Discipleship: A Rhythm for Training the Few to Reach the Many by David Sunde - No Greater Love: A Biblical Vision for Friendship by Rebecca McLaughlin - Gospel Comes with A Housekey
Prayer- Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney - Talking to God: Prayer by 9Marks
Worship- True Worship: Sermon from John Piper (Video Sermon) - Christ-Centered Worship by Bryan Chappell
Multiplication- Replicate by Robby Gallaty - Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper - Radical by David Platts
Evangelism- The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel by Dean Inserra - Questions in a Box (App) - Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman - What is the Gospel by Greg Gilbert - Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations by Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright - Tell the Truth by Will Metzger
Discipleship- Mere Discipleship by Lee C. Camp
Discipleship Materials
Below are some resources we recommend using with a discipleship group (a small group of people that are the same gender desiring to follow Christ together).
This is a great resource for a new believer. It walks them through what it means to follow Christ, what it means to be a part of the Church, and the beginning steps to understanding their faith.
Seven Stories of Hope
A Discovery Bible study to lead with people who are far from God using seven stories from the Gospels
We are God's Workmanship
A discussion-based group guide that helps you understand what it means for us to be His Workmanship (Ephesians 2:10) by looking at your inner self, outward self, public self, and commissioned self. The group will go through Ephesians and different activities together. It is great for a new small group or someone looking to understand their Kingdom purpose.
Digging Deeper.
Are you ready to explore the Bible deeper? Are you struggling to navigate a certain season of life? Are you curious on how to approach a conversation with your co-worker?
Below are resources to help you dig deeper on a variety of topics.
What do I do with my children?4 and Under: We have a nursery with background checked volunteers to help take care of your littles so you can enjoy either service or morning community groups. Up to 5th Grade: During the 11:15pm and 6:00pm services before the sermon starts, we have kids leave to go to their own Kingdom Kids lesson. They will return before we start worship again.
When should I arrive?For any service, come about 10 minutes before the start time! This allows you time to find a parking spot, get a seat, grab a cup of coffee, and maybe meet someone new.
Does it matter what I wear?We are a pretty casual church but we welcome all! You can wear your Sunday best -- whatever that means to you -- or work casual. Most people you see will be in jeans and a work casual shirt. Make sure you look out for the guy who is in sandals and shorts year round.
Apologetics- The Reason For God by Tim Keller - Defending Your Faith by R.C Sproul
Baptism- 9Marks What is Baptism - Baptism Sermon from BFM
Singleness and Marriage- This Momentary Marriage by John Piper - Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating has Changed by Kevin McConaghy and Jonathan Pokluda
Theology- Knowing God by J.I. Packer - Desiring God by John Piper - The Thrill of Orthodoxy by Trevin Wax
Generosity and Stewardship- Redeeming Money by Paul Tripp - The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn - Act of Grace by James Petty
Gifts and Serving- Younique - The Church by Mark Dever
Bible- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
Parenting- What Do I Say When?: Parenting Guide to Navigating Conversations with Children and Teens - The Biggest Story (an animated thematic narrative of the Bible for children)
The Church- Love Your Church by Tom Rainer
Gospel and Mission- When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert - Bruchko by Bruce Olson - Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper - Gospel Fluency by
Spiritual Disciplines- Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered by Jamie C. Wilhoit - Old Paths New Power
Intentional Relationships- Small-Batch Discipleship: A Rhythm for Training the Few to Reach the Many by David Sunde - No Greater Love: A Biblical Vision for Friendship by Rebecca McLaughlin - Gospel Comes with A Housekey
Prayer- Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney - Talking to God: Prayer by 9Marks
Worship- True Worship: Sermon from John Piper (Video Sermon) - Christ-Centered Worship by Bryan Chappell
Multiplication- Replicate by Robby Gallaty - Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper - Radical by David Platts
Evangelism- The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel by Dean Inserra - Questions in a Box (App) - Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman - What is the Gospel by Greg Gilbert - Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations by Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright - Tell the Truth by Will Metzger
Discipleship- Mere Discipleship by Lee C. Camp
What do I do with my children?4 and Under: We have a nursery with background checked volunteers to help take care of your littles so you can enjoy either service or morning community groups. Up to 5th Grade: During the 11:15pm and 6:00pm services before the sermon starts, we have kids leave to go to their own Kingdom Kids lesson. They will return before we start worship again.
When should I arrive?For any service, come about 10 minutes before the start time! This allows you time to find a parking spot, get a seat, grab a cup of coffee, and maybe meet someone new.
Does it matter what I wear?We are a pretty casual church but we welcome all! You can wear your Sunday best -- whatever that means to you -- or work casual. Most people you see will be in jeans and a work casual shirt. Make sure you look out for the guy who is in sandals and shorts year round.
Apologetics- The Reason For God by Tim Keller - Defending Your Faith by R.C Sproul
Baptism- 9Marks What is Baptism - Baptism Sermon from BFM
Singleness and Marriage- This Momentary Marriage by John Piper - Outdated: Find Love That Lasts When Dating has Changed by Kevin McConaghy and Jonathan Pokluda
Theology- Knowing God by J.I. Packer - Desiring God by John Piper - The Thrill of Orthodoxy by Trevin Wax
Generosity and Stewardship- Redeeming Money by Paul Tripp - The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn - Act of Grace by James Petty
Gifts and Serving- Younique - The Church by Mark Dever
Bible- How to Read the Bible for All its Worth by Gordon D. Fee and Douglas Stuart
Parenting- What Do I Say When?: Parenting Guide to Navigating Conversations with Children and Teens - The Biggest Story (an animated thematic narrative of the Bible for children)
The Church- Love Your Church by Tom Rainer
Gospel and Mission- When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett and Brian Fikkert - Bruchko by Bruce Olson - Let the Nations Be Glad by John Piper - Gospel Fluency by
Spiritual Disciplines- Spiritual Formation as if the Church Mattered by Jamie C. Wilhoit - Old Paths New Power
Intentional Relationships- Small-Batch Discipleship: A Rhythm for Training the Few to Reach the Many by David Sunde - No Greater Love: A Biblical Vision for Friendship by Rebecca McLaughlin - Gospel Comes with A Housekey
Prayer- Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney - Talking to God: Prayer by 9Marks
Worship- True Worship: Sermon from John Piper (Video Sermon) - Christ-Centered Worship by Bryan Chappell
Multiplication- Replicate by Robby Gallaty - Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper - Radical by David Platts
Evangelism- The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel by Dean Inserra - Questions in a Box (App) - Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman - What is the Gospel by Greg Gilbert - Turning Everyday Conversations into Gospel Conversations by Jimmy Scroggins and Steve Wright - Tell the Truth by Will Metzger
Discipleship- Mere Discipleship by Lee C. Camp
Wanting to go through one of these resources?
Let us know! We would love to know if we can connect you with someone who is also going through the resource.
Also, if you need help getting the resources, we have funds allocated for resources for members to use. We may be able to order it for you.
Email Seth at to find out more about how to get a resource supplied.
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